This CHI 2018 workshop aims to develop a community and agenda within the CHI community to address the emergence of blockchain, and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). As blockchains rapidly emerge as a general purpose technology, they present exciting, and interdisciplinary, challenges and opportunities for developing new ways for networks of people and things to transact, collaborate, organize and identify themselves.
The format of the workshop will be structured firstly around a series of panels, related to:
- Studying applications of blockchains
- Critiquing blockchains
- Designing for and with blockchain technologies
- Envisioning blockchain futures
These panels will create a space for attendees to present and discuss their work, sharing expertise, as well as common experiences and challenges. Secondly, the workshop will transform these discussions into an active agenda for future HCI research, through a series of working groups to address specific issues and interests.
Participants are asked to submit a 3-6 page position papers (in CHI Extended Abstract format, as PDF) – by email to [email protected] by 26 January 2018 30 January 2018 – presenting aspects of their own work (or work-in-progress) relevant to the core themes of the workshop, and areas of interest described in the proposal. Submissions should also include a short personal biography (max 200 words). These papers will be reviewed by the organizing committee, supported by a wider program committee where necessary.
At least one author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop. All participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the CHI conference.